My homegirl Alfie has been experimenting with lumpia lately and recently started wrapping them in bacon. Yes, that’s right…bacon-wrapped lumpia. It started with turkey bacon, but Alfie was apprehensive about whether or not real smoky pork bacon would work or not. I told her to go for it since I don’t acknowledge the existence of turkey bacon (I feel the same way about turkey SPAM also).

Yes…that’s bacon-wrapped Lumpia.
Anyway, I wish I was back in L.A. to be one of Alfie’s tasters, and the more you read about Alfie’s Lumpia Project, you’ll wish you were one too.
2 replies on “Bacon-Wrapped Lumpia with Alfie the Lumpia Queen”
I knew it wouldn’t be long before another bacon wrapped food made an appearance. I was hoping for a “bacon free” 2009 but I knew it was hopeless. ;^)
I don’t think I have done anything new and exciting. I think that if our ancestors knew about cutting pork belly into thin slices and curing it, they would have wrapped it in bacon as well.
but instead, the cut it into thick pieces and make homba out of it.